Thursday 25 February 2010

IBN Think Tank

After listening to our members and taking suggestions into consideration I believe we have finally built a fantastic service for our members. IBN Think Tank part of IBN Local Membership enables members to share knowledge, collaborate and ultimately profit from peer to peer learning.  This is in addition to already creating a strong contact network of trusted colleagues who can refer business to them.

Each month members meet to discuss in a supportive and non competing format, challenges and issues that face their business and the group then set about discussing strategies upon how those can be met. In effect it is like having a Board of Advisory Directors working for our members business. Each group is led by an experienced facilitator and CEO. We also arrange speakers to speak at these events on business related issues.

During tough times and even in better climates collaboration and support between entrepreneurs and business owners is paramount to success and every networking organisation should include this within their model. We don't just take their money and let our members sink or swim, we hold them up and push them along to their goals - that way they stay with us and do not consider other organisations in terms of strong contact networks.

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