Thursday 25 February 2010

IBN Think Tank

After listening to our members and taking suggestions into consideration I believe we have finally built a fantastic service for our members. IBN Think Tank part of IBN Local Membership enables members to share knowledge, collaborate and ultimately profit from peer to peer learning.  This is in addition to already creating a strong contact network of trusted colleagues who can refer business to them.

Each month members meet to discuss in a supportive and non competing format, challenges and issues that face their business and the group then set about discussing strategies upon how those can be met. In effect it is like having a Board of Advisory Directors working for our members business. Each group is led by an experienced facilitator and CEO. We also arrange speakers to speak at these events on business related issues.

During tough times and even in better climates collaboration and support between entrepreneurs and business owners is paramount to success and every networking organisation should include this within their model. We don't just take their money and let our members sink or swim, we hold them up and push them along to their goals - that way they stay with us and do not consider other organisations in terms of strong contact networks.

Monday 18 January 2010

New Year and New Developments

It might seem to be a little late to be wishing you all a Happy New Year but with the bad weather we all experienced it has been difficult to find the time to blog especially as most of our time here has been spent trying to support our existing membership and clients alike. Nonetheless, we wish you all a Happy New Year and an abundant 2010.

This year for us and our members is set to be fabulous with new Regional Business Partners in place in London, Merseyside, and hopefully soon to be Yorkshire. This will enable the growth in these regions to be sustained and pushed forward in line with our targets.

Our IBN Think Tank Service which for the first year is included in membership is set to take us from the strength to strength. Our team of IBN Coaches includes Chartered Accountants, Solicitors, Management Consultants, Marketing Experts and HR Specialists. They provide through monthly meetings, training and one to one mentoring and coaching in business management covering everything from finance, marketing and managing people. There is also a Peer to Peer (P2P) element to the provisions also. Each month our groups meet in a supportive and non competing manner to discuss profitable strategies that will tackle various business challenges.

Again everyone who is in business and successful is obviously very good at what they do, for instance a great Plumber, or a great Solicitor but often we have not been trained in other areas of business which could hold us back and stop us achieving all that we could.

The IBN Think Tank provision coupled with IBN Local Groups is the ultimate and more intelligent way to grow your business and the interest we are generating nationwide is encouraging and reassuring.

From the outset we have tried to engender an ethos of mutual support through our Local Groups and with some success. Some businesses have had and continue to have a tough time through what many consider to be tough economic conditions. This ethos of mutual support will ensure that our membership has longevity and consistency and our Local Groups will grow and prosper as a result.

If you are serious about growing your business and you have not yet joined us, please feel free to check out our website or contact me personally on 07816 113 119

Best regards for the New Year.